Ответы на викторину Infinity Nikki Clemente

/ ИгрыГайды

Изображение: Eurogamer/Infold Games

You need to give all of the correct answers for Clemente's quiz in order to complete the 'Prelude Shooting Star Season' quest as part of the 'Adventure Under the Stars' event in Infinity Nikki.

It's not that big of an ask if you were listening to Clemente's story before he springs this quiz on you, but it can be a bit confusing if you skipped his dialogue, or have come back to the game after a break from Infinity Nikki.

To speed things along, we've listed all of the correct Clemente quiz answers in Infinity Nikki below.

Infinity Nikki Clemente quiz answers

Here's all of the correct Clemente quiz answers in Infinity Nikki:

Clemente answer 1

Question: What do we call the different life themes that occur at various times in Miraland?

Answer: Seasons.

Clemente answer 2

Question: For the residents of Florawish, which season is the most meaningful one?

Answer: Shooting Star Season.

Clemente answer 3

Question: Why is the Shooting Star Season so important to the people of Florawish?

Answer: For fresh starts and fulfilled wishes.

Изображение: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Clemente quiz rewards in Infinity Nikki

Once you answer all of Clemente's questions correctly, you'll complete the 'Adventure Under the Stars' quest and get your rewards:

  • x40 Diamonds
  • x150 Shiny Bubbles
  • 30,000 Bling

Изображение: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Hope you're enjoying the rest of Shooting Star Season in Infinity Nikki! If you need more help during the event, check out our guides on how to get Pink Ribbon Eel, and how to complete the Lucky Accessory Kindled Inspiration.

Источник: eurogamer.net

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