Объяснено местоположение арены Fortnite Shogun
Изображение: Eurogamer/Epic Games
Fortnite — компьютерная игра в жанре survival, находящаяся в разработке компанией People Can Fly совместно с Epic Games, которая будет выпускать игру. Геймплей строится на сборе ресурсов днём и выживании ночью. Это будет первая игра от Epic на собственном движке Unreal Engine 4. Выпуск в раннем доступе) назначен на 25 июля 2017 года. Википедия
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One of this season's weekly challenges is to deal 300 Damage to an opponent in Shogun's Arena in Fortnite, but how can you do that when it's nowhere to be seen at first? In short, the answer is patience and staying alive.
Without further ado, here's where to find Shogun's Arena in Fortnite and how to get up to it.
Fortnite Shogun's Arena location
Shogun's Arena in Fortnite won't show up until the fourth ring - which means you need to stay alive long enough to stand a chance at seeing it, as well as finding a way to get into it.
Once you've made it to the fourth ring, check out your map and you should be able to see Shogun's Arena on there marked by the corresponding Medallion and several reddish islands:
However, if you check your map early in the fourth ring (such as the second the ring begins) you'll be able to see where the Arena will spawn by a red icon instead:
To get into Shogun's Arena, head underneath the islands at ground level and look for a Wind Sprite. They'll already be using their boosting powers, so you just need to jump into their breeze to be lifted up to Shogun's Arena.
That's all for now! If you're looking for more Fortnite content, check out our pages showing you how to get Boons, how to beat Night Rose, and how to get a Typhoon Blade.
Источник: eurogamer.net
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